The bravery of Russian antiwar protesters

Along with literally billions of other people, I’m impressed by Ukrainians’ bravery, principles, innovation, resolve, and even humor in the face of extreme personal risk and tragedy as Russia’s military brutally assaults their peaceful country.

I am also inspired by the thousands of Russians who have already risked imprisonment, beatings, and blacklisting to express their opposition to their unaccountable, inept government’s illegal war of aggression. So far, over 15,000 Russians have been arrested for exercising rights to peaceable free expression that are ironclad in the West—but Putin’s regime can’t arrest the entire country. In that spirit, I’d like to share a few photos from the media demonstrating the bravery of those principled Russians, updated periodically.

Please consider donating to the UN Refugee Agency or another organization working to reduce the suffering of Ukrainians as well as innocent people in other war-torn parts of the world.

нет войне